As an established and significant local employer, MRT Castings Ltd had evolved into a specialist supplier of complex technical components, designing and manufacturing for a global market.

Having expanded markets successfully, winning the Queens Award for Enterprise in the process, the company rapidly required more space. With the adjacent former DHL warehouse having recently become available, advice provided by Wessex Planning Ltd resulted in the purchase of the site. An application to the Local Planning Authority for a large extension and change of use of the existing building to house a new foundry and reception area quickly followed on.

Working with a local architect to ensure sufficient internal and external space for seamless logistical operation, national planning policy support for economically sustainable business was invoked as justification for the change of use from warehousing to industry. The new building is soon to facilitate projected growth of the company of between 55 and 75%, maintaining and expanding local levels of employment. Accentuating planning policy support for the regeneration of the former industrial estate was key to achieving a positive decision at officer level.