Having been refused planning permission for the retrospective change of use of a room above the garage to a holiday let, the Client contacted Wessex Planning to agree a planning strategy going forwards.

The original planning application was refused by the Local Authority on the grounds that the proposed change of use could not be considered a ‘re-use of an existing building’ and therefore was considered an unacceptable intensification of development in the countryside. Wessex Planning recommended making an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Whilst dismissing the appeal on the basis that Natural England disagreed with the LPA’s New Forest SPA mitigation scheme, the Inspector found that a material change of use took place only after the construction of the new garage was completed; that the impact on countryside character would be negligible; and that the proposal would preserve the setting of the adjacent listed building.

Following the appeal decision a new planning application was submitted, with the LPA heeding the Inspector’s findings on the principle of development. Regarding the New Forest mitigation scheme, the LPA considered their approach to be appropriate in determining that the holiday let did not have an adverse impact on the New Forest SPA, subject to suitable mitigation contributions.

Planning permission was granted resulting in an excellent outcome for another delighted Client.