Established by Central Government as a direct response to a requirement for a more proportionate approach to minor material changes to existing permissions, the process avoids the need for a further complete planning application.

This approach arose following the 2008 Killian Pretty Review carried out in 2008, which responded to concerns raised by both applicant and Local Planning Authorities about the lack of flexibility available within the planning system to address small scale changes to approved schemes. Specifically, its recommendations proposed that: “a way is found to avoid the need for a new full application for planning permission to deal with a small, but material change to an existing permission.” Precedent has established the manner in which a minor material amendment should be considered. The assessment process is required only to consider whether the ‘scale and/or nature’ of the development is not substantially different as the one originally granted planning permission.

Using this process, Wessex Planning Ltd was able to improve the overall value of the scheme through the alteration of two of the properties from apartments to semi-detached dwellings. The need for a further full planning application and concurrent risk of unnecessary neighbour upset was avoided.